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Panel eléctrico

Solar energy and UPS backup plants

The design and installation of the correct products and devices in energy matters makes a big difference in consumption costs for a company or business. In addition, by having an adequate UPS system, electrical equipment is being protected and there is a guaranteed power supply so as not to stop productivity due to lack of electricity. We have a wide portfolio of devices to implement self-sustaining energy generation, consumption and backup in offices, companies, buildings, factories, among others.

These are some of the devices that can be integrated into a project:

  • Polycrystalline solar modules
  • Inverters for interconnection to the electricity grid
  • Microinverters for interconnection to the electricity grid
  • Solar charge controllers with display
  • MPPT charge controllers
  • Fixed or portable diesel UPS
  • Fixed or portable gas UPS
Panel solar
Inversor eléctrico de cadena
Batería solar
Respaldo eléctrico a gasolina
Controlador de carga MPPT
Sistema de bombeo solar
Luminarias solares

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Socios Comerciales
Schneider electric